Thursday, July 21, 2011



You must be confused about investing your hard earned money .This is apparent because now a days there are so many options with lucarative offers but lots of twrms and conditions . So  you should be quite careful before putting your money into such an offer.After reading this article you will have a good idea about various ventures to explore and what are their pros and cons.

I will tell you various options of investment which are rated on the basis of two things.

i)                    Risk factor.

ii)                  Return from the investment.

i)                    Fixed Deposits:  Fixed deposits are good options for investing your money .You get a return around 6 to 9 percent. Their risk factor is zero .You can deposit your amount in any bank for a fixed amount of time. You are also having the option of compounding your interest or you can reinvest your amount. Normally the fixed deposit of longer period offer higher interests .You also have an option of permanently liquidating your fd at any time but in that case the interest you are getting may not be according to the commitment,

ii)                  Mutual Funds:  There are so many mutual funds available in the market that its very difficult for a normal investor or a beginner to chose a good fund. According to my opinion going in for a sector wise fund is a good option For example if one knows banking sector is going good and has a bright future then you have just go in for two or three best banks to invest in. Diversification in the portfolio is good but  up to a limit which one can handle because in that case you can loose track of your investment.

Mutual funds offer returns higher than fixed deposits but here risk factor is also more as compared to them as your investment returns are more dependent on market index.

iii)                ULIPS: You might have heard a lot about them and many investment companies bragging about them but they are no better than the options as discussed above as it is an investment plus insurance. The better way to go about it is to invest in a mutual fund and take insurance separately.

In this part of your money goes in for investment i.e it goes in market and the other part for insurance.

 They are disadvantageous in the way that they do not provide flexibility .

iv)                Trading: Directly investing money into some company by being its shareholder and buying its shares is the most common mode of investment .No doubt it offers a higher return of investment than the other options as discussed above but the risk factor is equally higher.

                 Various options are available in trading also  for eg. Commodity trading, Cash,                 Forex, Gold trading etc.

              In this kind of investment its very important to study fundamentals of a company in which you are going to invest it gives you an idea about the performance of the company as a share. Big companies like reliance,Tata are very good options in case you are interested in long time investments (more than 1 period) as their return history is consistent. Just in case of mutual funds here also you can build a sector wise healthy portfolio can lead to a balanced investment.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Online Examination System

Introduction : Online Examination System aims to be user friendly and to provide all options one would require while using it. It has been designed with the perspective of needs of its three kinds of users’ student, teacher and the admin. Provisions for all three kinds of users are as follows:

For Teacher

  • Login : User account is authenticated with a user name and password. Teacher logon to his area by providing an user name, password and selecting the user type as “Teacher”.
  •  Formation of Question Bank : It provides the facility to Teacher for creating the question bank by adding questions in the database from a web based form. The questions can also be imported from an excel sheet of csv format. The structure of the sheet is provided with the system. Images can also be stored with the questions.
  • Formatting  the Question Paper Manually (Setting Exam) : It facilitates one to select questions of a particular subject from its respective question bank by just ticking in the checkbox provided against each question. Teacher can draft as many exams prior to their start. These exams are stored in the system and the teacher can activate any one of them, by choosing from the list. Presently the provision is that for a particular course students, only one exam can be in activated state. As soon as this exam is deactivated, new exam can be activated for that course.
  • Formatting  the Question Paper Automatically (Auto Exam) : It facilitates one to generate an exam automatically. An algorithm runs and it select questions randomly from the question bank on the basis of difficulty level as entered by the teacher while exam generation.
  • Option of Negative Marking : The option of negative marking has been given so that one can specify negative marking if any applicable for that exam.
  • Deleting an Exam : The stored exam can be deleted if they are not of relevance. Only the exams in the “created” state can be deleted. Activated and already conducted exams can’t be deleted.
  • Activating Exam : The exams that are just created are displayed in the list of Exams under activate tab. This means that these exams are ready to be activated. Teacher can select any exam from the list and can activate it. As soon as it is activated, the exam is visible in the student area.
  • Deactivating Exam : The exams that are just activated are displayed in the list of Exams under Deactivate tab. This means that these exams can be deactivated. Teacher can select any exam from the list and can deactivate it. As soon as it is deactivated, the exam goes off from the student area, all those students who are yet to appear for that exam, are marked absent in the list of that particular exam.
  • Deleting Questions from Question bank : The obsolete questions from the question bank can be deleted. Teacher can mark all questions to be deleted and press the delete button. All selected question get deleted from the question bank.
  • View Exam : Teacher can preview the generated exam. All exams in the “created” state are displayed in the list. Teacher can select any one from them and list its contents.
  • View Exam Status : Teacher can preview contents of currently ongoing and all previously conducted exams. In this case, students result is displayed for that selected exam. All student marks are displayed along with exam status on the page.
  • Modify Password : Teacher can preview his personal details and can set a new password for his account.
  • Logout : For closing session with the system, user has to do logout. All session related information is destroyed as soon as user does logout.
For Admin
  • Login : One Admin login is provided in the system. Admin is super user of the system and it creates other users of the system, like student and teacher accounts.
  • Create Student Account : Admin can add student accounts in the system. The accounts are added on course basis. The student details can also be imported from an excel sheet. Admin can add student accounts in the system. The accounts are added on course basis. The student details can also be imported from an excel sheet.
  • Delete Student Account : Admin can delete student accounts from the system. The accounts are deleted on Registration No. basis. Admin user provide the registration no. of the account to be deleted in the web based form the account gets deleted.
  • Create Teacher Account : Similar to adding student accounts, admin user can add Teacher accounts in the system. User name and password is also created for the new user.
  • Delete Teacher Account : Admin user has the fascility of deleting teacher account. A drop dpwn menu is provided in the system listing all "teacher_Ids". Admin select an ID from the list and can delete that account.
  • Add course Details :